Bars in Grant County

  • Bars

    Find trusted local businesses on's business directory. Locate your local Chambers of Commerce, compare business services and find the top-rated businesses near you.

    137 1st Ave NW Ephrata, WA
    (509) 398-8258
  • Bars

    Business profile for CORTERA in BOCA RATON, 334314408, US. CORTERA specializes in: Credit Reporting Services. Our free company report for CORTERA includes business demographics, sales, number of employees, ownership, credit information, executives, contact information and more.

    120 W Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA
    (509) 764-1906
  • Bars

    R Place Tavern from Mattawa, WA. Company specialized in: Bars. Please call us for more information - (509) 932-4031

    610 Main St S Mattawa, WA
    (509) 932-4031

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This compilation contains solely Bars and similar businesses. Every business listed includes at least one way to contact them, be it via phone, website, or email.

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.