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Local Businesses in Grant County

Grant County has been a leader in the agriculture business and has a fast-developing base of food processing firms, with over 60 crops farmed in the region and a superb logistical network.

Grant County food processors are familiar with and trust the quality and diversity of locally cultivated crops such as potatoes, apples, wheat, barley, carrots, maize, onions, peaches, cherries, mint, beans, and so on. According to the Grant County Economic Development Council, the county's 1,858 farms produce $1.19 billion in crops and cattle each year.

Crops processed in Grant County contribute to a $364 million business with lots of possibility for expansion. Access to Interstate 90 and the Burlington-Northern Santa Fe Mainline makes it simple to ship commodities by truck or train to large metropolitan areas like Seattle, Portland, and Chicago.

The Grant County Economic Development Office assists companies in retaining current firms, encouraging entrepreneurship, and attracting new enterprises, resulting in a vibrant economy, flourishing communities, and broadly shared wealth in Grant County.

The Economic Development Department promotes and assists Grant County's various business prospects to a wide spectrum of potential investors.

Local Businesses in Grant County
Local Businesses in Grant County (download as PDF)

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