Servicing zip codes

Non-Profit Organizations in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Leavenworth (i.e 98826). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Non-Profit Organizations in Leavenworth, WA

  • Non-Profit Organizations

    Artis from Leavenworth, WA. Company specialized in: Non-Profit Organizations. Please call us for more information - (509) 548-2278

    11734 US-2 Leavenworth, WA
    (509) 548-2278
  • Non-Profit Organizations

    Integrating art, faith and community since 1980, the Grunewald Guild is an arts education nonprofit retreat center. While rooted in an ecumenical Christian faith, the Guild embraces people of all journeys and traditions.

    19003 River Rd Leavenworth, WA
    (509) 763-3693
  • Non-Profit Organizations

    Projekt Bayern from Leavenworth, WA. Company specialized in: Non-Profit Organizations. Please call us for more information - (425) 445-6183

    280 US-2 Leavenworth, WA
    (425) 445-6183
  • Non-Profit Organizations

    Tierra Village is a Residential Village and non-profit organization serving Adults with Developmental Disabilities, consisting of an Adult Family Home (Coyote House), Day Program (TRAILS), and Employment Services. We are located in Central Washington State, outside of the town o…

    11864 NF-7705 Leavenworth, WA
    (206) 403-7717
  • Non-Profit Organizations

    Upper Valley MEND is a nonprofit overseeing the following programs: - The Community Cupboard - a food bank for the residents of the Cascade School District. - Emergency Assistance - financial assistance with rent, mortgage, utilities, and transportation. - Das Thrift Haus - o…

    347 Division St Leavenworth, WA
    (509) 548-0408

Search results hints


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This compilation contains solely Non-Profit Organizations and similar businesses. Every business listed includes at least one way to contact them, be it via phone, website, or email.

Certified Profiles

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